Illinois Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses ILSPAN


We are looking for new members to fill possible upcoming Board of Director vacancies. Please indicate your interest in any of the following:...

Posted by John Pittman | 0 comments

Abigail Kreczmer is the winner of the first Child of ILSPAN Member, Nursing Student Scholarship. Abby will be a freshman at Marquette University in...


Don't miss this great learning opportunity! 2024 KSPAN Spring Conference 2024 KSPAN Spring Conference page 2

ILSPAN recognizes all the certified nurses for your dedication to your patients and to your craft by achieving high credentials in your particular...

This year we are celebrating the perianesthesia awareness week (PANAW) from February 4-10, 2024. We recognize the dedication and hard-work that all...

Your ILSPAN family wishes you peace, happiness and good health for the upcoming year!

You're ILSPAN family is wishing you a wonderful and peaceful holiday spent with your loved ones.

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving from your ILSPAN family!

Happy Perioperative Nurses Week (November 12-18) Thank you one more time, from the bottom of my heart, for everything that you did and do every day...